Thursday, December 30, 2010

Where Do House Centipedes Lay Eggs?!

Where do house centipedes lay their eggs? This is a question that one of you beautiful people out there used to find my blog. First of all, you have to understand that since the house centipede is not your typical insect, it's not going to lay it's eggs in the most typical of places. But let's try to answer the question for you anyway, okay?!

I did a little research and I found out that house centipedes will lay their eggs almost ANYWHERE in your home! That's right anywhere! But particularly where their eggs have the best chance at survival. I mean we're talking about a mother that can lay between 60 and 150 eggs at a time! So survival is probably key to this mother.

Since house centipedes live where there is protection from the extreme cold and the danger of dehydration. That's most likely where they will lay their eggs. You know, behind your baseboards, under your tile flooring. Anywhere in your home that they have the best chance of survival.

I mentioned "under tile flooring" above because I think that is where they are coming from in my home. I have a downstairs bathroom that is closest to the rear of the house. And I noticed a house centipede or two coming out from a tiny crack in between my baseboard and my tile flooring. As soon as I am able I will close this hole up to make sure that they don't use it again!

So there you have it! Where do house centipedes lay their eggs? Behind baseboards, in cool, dry basements, and in my case, under tile floors. To get the complete information on the house centipede and how you can stop it from making your house the most infested on the block, please visit: House Centipede!


  1. This blog is stupid and You should be ashamed of yourself for promoting violence against harmless animals. You are a fool with absolutely no expertise in entomology. You are as oblivious as the morons who actually waste money buying your books. Btw, I'm reporting a few images of yours for copyright infringement.

    1. Innocent.....yea ok...they bite.....but whatever....

  2. This is the fucking dumbest comment i have ever read

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
