Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How To Get Rid Of House Centipedes!

What's up people,

If you've read my article entitled, "How To Get Rid Of House Centipedes - 3 Proven Ways To Do It!", then you know about the three ways that I'm talking about in the article. What I didn't talk about is the problem with those 3 proven ways! All of them have a drawback to them and we are going to go over them in this blog post.

Boric Acid - A great insecticide that your grandma used to use back in the day. The only problem is that it doesn't really address the problem. If you are using boric acid to get rid of house centipede, then you are fighting a losing battle!

The boric acid MIGHT work. It might do what its designed to do. Which is to act as a stomach poison if ingested. It is abrasive to whatever insect that comes into contact with it. But, because of the sheer number of house centipedes in your home that YOU DON'T SEE, you are not really making a real dent in their population. You might kill some, but not enough to get them out of your house for good.

Dehumidifiers - Using these machines is a good alternative if you don't want to use chemicals in your home to kill insects. The only problem is that they don't address the real problem either.

You might make the house centipedes stay uncomfortable by drying up the damp areas in your home. But he'll just find somewhere else in your home to hang out. They have been reportedly seen in EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE! Not just the basement!

Exterminators - A great option...if you have the money! Exterminators will be able to get rid of house centipedes and other insects. The only problem is that they can be expensive. Oh, it might not cost you that much the first time. But even the exterminator will tell you that he will not get everything on the first trip and that he will have to come back to make sure that everything is OK!

Out of all of the above options, the exterminator is the only one that can take care of the REAL reason the house centipede is in your home. FOOD!!! He's there to hunt! If you have seen house centipedes in your home, they are there for the other insects that are in your home!

House centipedes are insectivores, hunters! They go where the food is, and right now it's in your home! You get rid of the insect infestation that you have, you'll get rid of the house centipede!

People have been scouring the Internet for years trying to find out what they can do to get rid of the house centipede, with no luck! Well now there is a website that promises that it can get rid of your house centipede problem in less than a week!

I don't know about you but I think that you should at least check it out! You can continue to squish these bugs under your shoe with no real end in sight, or you can check out House Centipede Control.com!

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